Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Gavin Surgery - September 28 2009

Long time no blog.
Gavin had surgery. Wanted to post some pics for the interested. I've been
good at updating Facebook, but we've seriously slacked on gavinherman.com. Life is busy, and I'm living the reality of my disconncect from home.
Surgery this time went very well. He's amazing. God is amazing. I never dreamed that the surgery would continue to get easier each trip in. As he matures, he's more aware of the pending pain, and it makes it a little more challenging to subject him to it. Also, I have to be cautious, as we're in it for the long-haul, and have to explain the need for surgery in terms of knowing we'll be doing it over and over. God blessed this time, and put it in Gavin's head that he likes the hospital. Gavin kept saying today before leaving, "no, I want to stay in the childrens hospital", crying that we had to leave!

PreOp, being silly w/ Mom.

Sleeping after surgery.

Feeling much better on Tuesday.

Silly boy video. He wanted to stay!!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Winter is Cold

It's 55 degrees here today! I feel like spring is just around the corner, which is a delightful thought, considering all the snow we've endured over the past month. I'm over it! Please, please, Spring, come soon.

The past month has been great. Gavin got sick after a record six weeks of perfect health. Praise the Lord!! Maybe all the freezing temperature killed the germs. Or, maybe his immune system is thriving and this is the new trend. Regardless, his doctor was great; we got the perscriptions we needed and he's over it. He's back to his funny self, saying things like "Don't tell me what to do." Yes, I know, incredibly disrespectful, but he says it so oddly, that I wonder if he knows what he's saying. But, just in case, (after I got done laughing) I firmly let him know that "we are not rude people" and that he could not say that to adults. I'm so happy that he's making complete, multiple-word sentences, that I'll tolerate it, at least until I know he's purposefully being bad.

As snow has come in plenty, we've shoveled and played a lot. We bought a snow sled and had fun as a family, climbing to the top of the hill at South Park and sledding down. Then last weekend we went to Connecticut to visit Mike's cousins, where we enjoyed a little snowmobiling. Gavin also discovered that he loves Rotwilers. Oh, and I must not forget, we live in the superbowl champ City...Go Steelers! Despite the cold-weather entertainment, I miss home badly. I'm feeling the permanent loss, now that the shock of the move has worn off, realizing that I really do have to acknowledge this as our real life, not just some extended adventure trip.

Gavin and I are enjoying some "alone time" as Mike will be in D.C. for training all month. We have a busy schedule planned. This is Valentine's week. We're making his Valentines, and also decorating the box that will hold his received valentines. Tomorrow night, we have his first birthday party to attend! Next week, Grandpa is coming from Alabama for a visit. We are very excited. And soon, Mike will be back and surely by then, some permanent warmer weather!

Enjoy the pictures. I'm posting more on Facebook.

Gavin making his Valentines.

Gavin and Colin

Gavin, Bella and Max

Gavin and Daddy

Gavin and Kerry

Gavin being pulled by the kids!

Gavin and Uncle Dave in the Kabota.

Mike and Kerry

Reading in Mommy's bed.

Walking on our sidewalk in the front yard!

Gavin, sledding backwards down the hill.

Friday, January 9, 2009


Now that the holidays have come to an end, we're back to work and school.

This week at home we've focused on food. Well, I guess the past month has really been focused on food, as the scales would remind me. But, I'm actually referring to Gavin. Due to his limited appetite, oral aversions and underdeveloped food processing skill, trying new food is a major "theraputic" emphasis in our house. Fortunately, he is better grasping the social benefit of eating through the consistent exposure at school with his classmates and at home with us. This has made him more open to trying new things.

He loves vanilla wafers and chocolate. Yummy! Please note that we have no nutritional goals at this point, as getting him to successfully put something into his mouth, chew it and swallow without choking is an achievement. He has progressed from meltable things, to items that require more chewing. He still loves the baby food cereals though, and mastered that completely, eating up to 20 pieces at a time - a snack he eats with confidence! It so cute to see him focusing to chew. He's always good about running to the trash can to gag when he's taken in too much! He hates to get dirty and now always throws up in the trash or bathroom. Ahh, maturity! (TMI for some readers, however, others will appreciate that the "puke towels" are rarely ever used nowdays!)

This has been the week of the egg. He's been very curious, but not yet ready to taste it. On Wednesday, he pulled me to the fridge and kept saying egg....egg....egg. So I pulled an egg from the carton. He was so afraid initially to hold it. Then I showed him how to crack it. Then we cooked it in the microwave. Every night since then, we've had to cook an egg. Maybe I'll try to explain eggbeaters next week! Enjoy the below pictures of our exciting food week!

Oh, and you'll notice he finally gets "posing" for the picture, only because he love to review the digital camera image immediately following the click. "Lemmee see, Lemmee see."

Egg Step 1

Egg Step 2

Egg Step 3

The modified Herman nose.

Chocolate lips!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

December Fun

I can't believe 2008 is almost over. This means we have successfully survived FOUR MONTHS of Pittsburgh life.

This past month has been a blur of relaxation, freezing weather, holiday scurry and family reunion. But I'll start with the latest funny Gavin behavior. It's become evident over the past month that he is very sensitive to correction/direction/discipline, and obsesses over the lines we've used to correct him. "Do you need time out?" was shouted (by Gavin) any time he made a mistake or behaved inappropriately. Within the past few days, he's dropped that phrase and started "Do you need to go outside talk about whining?". Now imagine his usage: Gavin drops a toy; Mike notices and tells him to pick it up, Gavin shouts, "DO YOU NEED TIME OUT?". Gavin is at the front of the church during the "children's church" lesson, loses focus, stands and needs guidance from Bob, Gavin shouts, "DO YOU NEED TIME OUT?". We are very relieved that he's dropped that less socially acceptable phrase for the new one, which is equally as funny. We're sitting in a restaurant, Gavin is using the knife to put carrots in his mouth and needs redirection from me, "DO YOU NEED TO GO OUTSIDE TALK ABOUT WHINING?".

Mike and I started December with a little vacation. We took our first cruise, appreciating the warm weather break. We went with Mike's cousin and his wife and really enjoyed getting to know them better. We explored Key West for two days, an extended stay while our boat was under repair! We found the Russell grave plot though, and toured the house where my Grandfather was raised.

Gavin has enjoyed the holiday season. He loves Christmas movies, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Mickey's Christmas, Rudolph and Frosty were the most watched. The season (and movie-watching) has encouraged him to sing. It has been so cute to hear him sing lines of "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" and "Jingle Bells". The most endearing line he's picked up is "helloooo georgeous!" (from Chipmunks), which he says to me, smiling proudly! He knows this will always garner a delighted response from Mommy! Gavin's Christmas ('Winter", for the PC) party at school was fun. Both Mike and I were in attendance, there to see his singing performance. (Of course, he didn't sing, as he was so distracted by seeing us across the room.) The teachers had prepared the best gift for the parents, a personalized cookbook, featuring each student's favorite recipe, such as Butter Noodles, Rice Krispy Treats and Pizza Dip - very handy for any mother of a pre-schooler! We also ventured into the snow to see Santa at Bayer (my new workplace). Gavin's uncharacteristic shyness with Santa was sweet.

We are ending the month with the much-anticipated visit from my parents for Christmas. They brought the sunny South with them! They were a bit disappointed to have no snow - the first snowless week in recent months - but I have assured my mother that the sun here is as rare as snow in Alabama. Yesterday it was a balmy 68 degrees. My body warmed and my smile broadened, as I absorbed the sun and felt alive again.

We anticipate good things in the new year, knowing God will continue to bless us. 2008 has been an eventful year! God has broadened my capacity for change. He has provided me the opportunity to truly know that He is the reliable source of strength. He's reminded me that He is the foundation on which life is built. And, although His paths are rarely the one's I choose, I find peace knowing that His ways are best.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the Herman friends!
Gavin, Mommy & Daddy at the Winter Party

Mandy and Rebekah in Key West

Mike and Kerry in Key West

Gavin & Santa

Gavin's School CookBook

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Ahhh, let's see... what's happened lately? Oh, I know - snow, ice, freezing temperatures, and the reality of winter in Pittsburgh. How's it different from home? My car is covered in dirty salt from the roads. I can't walk out the door without a scarf and gloves. Driving thru the city, you can tell who pays higher taxes by which townships' roads are drivable. Table salt works as well as road salt, when you're desperate to get your car up the driveway.
Our week of snow has been fun, providing a little excitement to take the edge off the biting temperatures. Of course, I'm trying to think long-term and accept that this weather is not a passing amusement, but rather a way of life for the next 5 months.

I am fully into the swing of working full-time again. I do miss several things: my free time with Gavin; hanging out with other moms during "business hours"; updating this blog! But I find that we are getting into a routine. Each evening when I get home, Gavin and I sit together on the couch for at least an hour, snuggling and watching TV.

Gavin is doing well in school. He gets to ride the bus now, which he enjoys a lot. He and his nurse are the only riders, on the 2-mile trip to school. He's doing well in school. He brings home his art work and notes from the teacher, all indicating that he is making progress. Last week he was so excited to arrive at school, he led the students and teachers, practically running up the staircase to the classroom. This week, he went with Mrs. Michelle (his nurse) to the book fair. He's also been acquiring all the school germs, as this whole week he's been sick. Yesterday, we finally called the doctor and we've started an antibiotic that seems to be working.

Gavin riding the school bus.

Gavin waving bye to his bus driver.

Gavin's Thanksgiving artwork.


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Celebrate Fall

We have had a good week. Gavin had his "Fall" Party on Thursday. We've had three playdates. I packed in as much as possible in this last week before I start work.

Gavin's teachers really put together a nice party, more than what I was expecting when I was told about the Fall party. But, this is my first school party, so I didn't know what to expect. There were lots of goodies to eat, provided by the parents. (I took a veggie tray and strawberries.) The kids were paraded in by the teachers to perform the Fall song they practiced. Much to my amusement, the "role-model" kids gravitated together, and the performance was so cute. The role models were singing and motioning appropriately to the tune, and Gavin & Company were in their own little world, jumping around, staring absently, spinning heads, etc., completely oblivious to the activity at hand. (Pardon my amusement, but these kids are quite endearing.) The party was great, complete with games and pictures with the teacher. Gavin is really enjoying his class, and I'm so pleased with the staff and quality of education he's receiving.

This week starts a new era for our family - or perhaps just a reversion to the old era. I go back to work full time, so a few things will change. Aside from increased dirty laundry and fewer home-cooked meals, Gavin will be riding the bus to school and we won't be able to visit with our new friends during the weekdays. I am looking forward to the routine, however. Gavin will be staying at home and going to school with the nurses who have been with him for the past few weeks. His Grandpap will be visiting with him each Wednesday afternoon to watch him. And I'll be sure to enjoy every second I'm with him in the evenings and on weekends.

Gavin and Teacher, Ms. Loretta
Gavin & Friends, performing the Fall song

Oh, did I mention he was grouchy that day?

Gavin & good buddy, Claire - Grams & Grandpap's neighbor

Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Halloween

Gavin and I traveled to my friend Karen's (Fairfax, VA), to spend Halloween evening with her and her two beautiful children, Jackson and Jenna.

This Halloween was definitely the most fun I've had with Gavin.
He "got it"! He said "Trick or Treat"!
Dressed as a Dalmation, he was quite a determined Trick-or-Treater, insisting on pushing his pumpkin in a baby stroller (courtesy of Jenna). The stroller kept him on track, as he moved from house to house, never crossing the grass, insisting on the sidewalk. He was very focused on getting the pumpkin stroller up the steps to the door and then back down, requiring that the treat-giver be quick, or risk seeing only his puppy rear. A couple of times, when the people were especially nice, Gavin would just walk into the house. As you may imagine, I spent a lot of time running up to the door, prompting him with "trick or treat" and "thank you" or redirecting him from their home with profuse apologies. Next year we'll work on teaching him to eat his treats, as I've compensated for his food aversions by personally cleaning out is pumkin bucket.

Halloween 2008
Halloween 2008

Little Mermaid (Jenna, 4), Dalmation (Gavin), & IronMan (Jackson, 8)

Mommy & Gavin, Halloween 2008