Sunday, December 28, 2008

December Fun

I can't believe 2008 is almost over. This means we have successfully survived FOUR MONTHS of Pittsburgh life.

This past month has been a blur of relaxation, freezing weather, holiday scurry and family reunion. But I'll start with the latest funny Gavin behavior. It's become evident over the past month that he is very sensitive to correction/direction/discipline, and obsesses over the lines we've used to correct him. "Do you need time out?" was shouted (by Gavin) any time he made a mistake or behaved inappropriately. Within the past few days, he's dropped that phrase and started "Do you need to go outside talk about whining?". Now imagine his usage: Gavin drops a toy; Mike notices and tells him to pick it up, Gavin shouts, "DO YOU NEED TIME OUT?". Gavin is at the front of the church during the "children's church" lesson, loses focus, stands and needs guidance from Bob, Gavin shouts, "DO YOU NEED TIME OUT?". We are very relieved that he's dropped that less socially acceptable phrase for the new one, which is equally as funny. We're sitting in a restaurant, Gavin is using the knife to put carrots in his mouth and needs redirection from me, "DO YOU NEED TO GO OUTSIDE TALK ABOUT WHINING?".

Mike and I started December with a little vacation. We took our first cruise, appreciating the warm weather break. We went with Mike's cousin and his wife and really enjoyed getting to know them better. We explored Key West for two days, an extended stay while our boat was under repair! We found the Russell grave plot though, and toured the house where my Grandfather was raised.

Gavin has enjoyed the holiday season. He loves Christmas movies, Alvin and the Chipmunks, Mickey's Christmas, Rudolph and Frosty were the most watched. The season (and movie-watching) has encouraged him to sing. It has been so cute to hear him sing lines of "We Wish You a Merry Christmas" and "Jingle Bells". The most endearing line he's picked up is "helloooo georgeous!" (from Chipmunks), which he says to me, smiling proudly! He knows this will always garner a delighted response from Mommy! Gavin's Christmas ('Winter", for the PC) party at school was fun. Both Mike and I were in attendance, there to see his singing performance. (Of course, he didn't sing, as he was so distracted by seeing us across the room.) The teachers had prepared the best gift for the parents, a personalized cookbook, featuring each student's favorite recipe, such as Butter Noodles, Rice Krispy Treats and Pizza Dip - very handy for any mother of a pre-schooler! We also ventured into the snow to see Santa at Bayer (my new workplace). Gavin's uncharacteristic shyness with Santa was sweet.

We are ending the month with the much-anticipated visit from my parents for Christmas. They brought the sunny South with them! They were a bit disappointed to have no snow - the first snowless week in recent months - but I have assured my mother that the sun here is as rare as snow in Alabama. Yesterday it was a balmy 68 degrees. My body warmed and my smile broadened, as I absorbed the sun and felt alive again.

We anticipate good things in the new year, knowing God will continue to bless us. 2008 has been an eventful year! God has broadened my capacity for change. He has provided me the opportunity to truly know that He is the reliable source of strength. He's reminded me that He is the foundation on which life is built. And, although His paths are rarely the one's I choose, I find peace knowing that His ways are best.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all the Herman friends!
Gavin, Mommy & Daddy at the Winter Party

Mandy and Rebekah in Key West

Mike and Kerry in Key West

Gavin & Santa

Gavin's School CookBook