Friday, January 9, 2009


Now that the holidays have come to an end, we're back to work and school.

This week at home we've focused on food. Well, I guess the past month has really been focused on food, as the scales would remind me. But, I'm actually referring to Gavin. Due to his limited appetite, oral aversions and underdeveloped food processing skill, trying new food is a major "theraputic" emphasis in our house. Fortunately, he is better grasping the social benefit of eating through the consistent exposure at school with his classmates and at home with us. This has made him more open to trying new things.

He loves vanilla wafers and chocolate. Yummy! Please note that we have no nutritional goals at this point, as getting him to successfully put something into his mouth, chew it and swallow without choking is an achievement. He has progressed from meltable things, to items that require more chewing. He still loves the baby food cereals though, and mastered that completely, eating up to 20 pieces at a time - a snack he eats with confidence! It so cute to see him focusing to chew. He's always good about running to the trash can to gag when he's taken in too much! He hates to get dirty and now always throws up in the trash or bathroom. Ahh, maturity! (TMI for some readers, however, others will appreciate that the "puke towels" are rarely ever used nowdays!)

This has been the week of the egg. He's been very curious, but not yet ready to taste it. On Wednesday, he pulled me to the fridge and kept saying egg....egg....egg. So I pulled an egg from the carton. He was so afraid initially to hold it. Then I showed him how to crack it. Then we cooked it in the microwave. Every night since then, we've had to cook an egg. Maybe I'll try to explain eggbeaters next week! Enjoy the below pictures of our exciting food week!

Oh, and you'll notice he finally gets "posing" for the picture, only because he love to review the digital camera image immediately following the click. "Lemmee see, Lemmee see."

Egg Step 1

Egg Step 2

Egg Step 3

The modified Herman nose.

Chocolate lips!