Saturday, November 22, 2008

Ahhh, let's see... what's happened lately? Oh, I know - snow, ice, freezing temperatures, and the reality of winter in Pittsburgh. How's it different from home? My car is covered in dirty salt from the roads. I can't walk out the door without a scarf and gloves. Driving thru the city, you can tell who pays higher taxes by which townships' roads are drivable. Table salt works as well as road salt, when you're desperate to get your car up the driveway.
Our week of snow has been fun, providing a little excitement to take the edge off the biting temperatures. Of course, I'm trying to think long-term and accept that this weather is not a passing amusement, but rather a way of life for the next 5 months.

I am fully into the swing of working full-time again. I do miss several things: my free time with Gavin; hanging out with other moms during "business hours"; updating this blog! But I find that we are getting into a routine. Each evening when I get home, Gavin and I sit together on the couch for at least an hour, snuggling and watching TV.

Gavin is doing well in school. He gets to ride the bus now, which he enjoys a lot. He and his nurse are the only riders, on the 2-mile trip to school. He's doing well in school. He brings home his art work and notes from the teacher, all indicating that he is making progress. Last week he was so excited to arrive at school, he led the students and teachers, practically running up the staircase to the classroom. This week, he went with Mrs. Michelle (his nurse) to the book fair. He's also been acquiring all the school germs, as this whole week he's been sick. Yesterday, we finally called the doctor and we've started an antibiotic that seems to be working.

Gavin riding the school bus.

Gavin waving bye to his bus driver.

Gavin's Thanksgiving artwork.


1 comment:

Karen said...

Ya gotta love winter!! Just think about the positive! Yeah let me know when you find some! Maybe not cutting the grass??

Gavin looks adorable on the bus and I am so glad that your routine has been established!

We can't wait to come see you for a couple of days! I hope your ready!! LOVE YOU!